Crochet Series Continued – Washing Crochet Pieces

Washing Crochet

Washing Crochet Pieces

  1. 5 crochet sweaterWash in cold water (tap water is fine unless you have very hard water, then you will want to use distilled water). Make sure the sink and any containers you will use are clean.
  2. Pre-rinse the piece under cold running water.
  3. Mix in a small amount of mild detergent or dishwashing liquid. DO NOT use specially formulated wool wash, harsh detergents, or chlorine bleach, gently wash.
  4. Rinse several times in cold water until suds disappear.
  5. Gently remove excess water and lay item flat on a dry, absorbent towel and roll up in the towel, pressing firmly as you roll. Do not wring the towel.
  6. Lay a dry bath towel on a flat surface large enough to hold your crochet piece with arms extended if appropriate. A card table is the perfect size for air-drying sweaters and typically has a protective vinyl top. Always protect wood surfaces with a vinyl tablecloth under the towel.
  7. Place the crocheted item on the dry towel and reshape into its original shape. Pat it into shape; avoid tugging or pulling. Gently push the ribbing together at the neckline, wrists and waist. Fasten buttons. Fold collar.
  8. Allow the item to dry for 24 hours.
  9. If not completely dry, flip the item over onto a dry towel, arrange into shape (the shape will have set by now but you don’t want to add wrinkles or slow drying), and dry for another 24 hours.


Next in our series on Crochet………..

Blocking Your Crochet Piece

Blocking is a process in which your crocheted item is gently stretched or pinned into the proper shape, then allowed to dry naturally so it will stay in shape…….Happy needle working ’till next time – the Needle Woman Team!